Top 10 Best Moss Killers in 2025

Are you also annoyed with the thick and green growth on your driveways, roofs, and pathways? Do you want a permanent solution to get rid of this moss?

Controlling moss can be a difficult situation once it grows in your lawn. But, effective removal is not as difficult as it seems. The perfect time to treat moss is while it’s still growing. This happens during the autumn rains and early spring. Mosses don’t need much light to live but they thrive on moisture. Moss control products derived from iron and naturally occurring iron substances are highly effective at killing the moss by drawing out the moisture.

To buy the perfect moss killer, you should use the top 10 list below and get one of the overall best choices for most people.

Let’s have a look at 10 of the best moss killers available for you to use.

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Having checked several hundreds of moss killer reviews, we can say that the Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate is the best choice for most people.

86% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to the Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate moss killer!

Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate Premium Soluble Fertiliser Moss Killer and Lawn Greener Dry Powder Tub, 5 Kg

Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate

The best reviewed moss killer
Rated 4.6 out of 5

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PS: We have checked 858 reviews to make this top 10 list!

Rank Model Rating
1 Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate Premium Soluble Fertiliser Moss Killer and Lawn Greener Dry Powder Tub, 5 Kg Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate 4.6 Check Price
2 Viano MO Bacter Organic Lawn Fertiliser & Moss Killer - 5kg (Decanted) Viano 4.5 Check Price
3 Stonecare4u Essential MOSS REMOVER - High Performance, Fast Working Acid-Free Formula, For TARMAC, CONCRETE, ROOFS, PATHS, PATIOS and DRIVES. Prevents re-growth (5 Litre) Stonecare4u 4.5 Check Price
4 Crikey Mikey 5L Moss Wizard Grass Fertiliser Crikey Mikey 4.5 Check Price
5 Smartseal Moss Remover - Highly effective moss, algae and mould remover for Roofs, Driveways, Patios & Walls. Also acts as a Moss Inhibitor protects against re-growth of Moss & Algae (5 & 25 Litre) Smartseal 4.3 Check Price
6 Spray activ8-5 L Patio Decking Fencing Mould Algae Moss Killer Drive Cleaner Chemiphase 4.2 Check Price
7 Evergreen No Moss No Rake Moss Remover Lawn Feed 50m2 EverGreen 4.1 Check Price
8 Moss Killer Driveway, patios a liquid 5L Moss Killer 4 Check Price
9 Spear and Jackson 5L Spray and Leave Ready to Use formula with Long Hose Trigger Spray Spear Jackson 3.9 Check Price
10 RHS 2 x 1L Ready to use Moss Killer | Glyphosate free formula | Paths, patios and hard surfaces RHS 3.8 Check Price
How we rate the moss killers

We have checked 858 moss killer reviews, so we can show you the weighted average rating of all the moss killers.

Using the average ratings, you can check what all the reviewers think instead of just viewing the subjective opinion of one specific reviewer.

It's much simplier to find the best products that way.

Not sure what moss killer to choose? Read on as we are going to take a closer look at each moss killer!

1 – Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate

4.5 review starsRating 4.6 based on 153 reviews

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Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate Premium Soluble Fertiliser Moss Killer and Lawn Greener Dry Powder Tub, 5 Kg

Here’s what the reviewers think about the Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate:

Reviewers like these things about the Tradefarmni Iron Sulphate

  • Almost all customers admired the biodegradable nature of the product.
  • Many users noted the non-caustic and non-acidic ingredients.
  • Several others reported that it needs no scrubbing, rinsing, or water blasting.
  • Numerous users stated the product saves their time because of its wet and forget nature.
  • Multiple people said it can be used on outdoor surfaces like asphalt, aluminum cladding, awnings, limestone, marble, among many others.
  • Others mentioned that the product has an unlimited shelf life.
  • A couple of users were happy that it requires no special equipment.
  • Some reviewers noted it has residual effects.
  • Most customers admired the quick and effective properties of the product.
  • One customer called the product brilliant.
  • Numerous users reported the product is exactly as advertised.
  • Some owners appreciated the prompt delivery.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One customer complained of limited success.

  • Rating 4.6 based on 153 reviews
  • 86% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

2 – Viano

4.5 review starsRating 4.5 based on 289 reviews

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Viano MO Bacter Organic Lawn Fertiliser & Moss Killer - 5kg (Decanted)

Here’s what the reviewers think about the Viano:

Reviewers like these things about the Viano

  • Several customers lauded this high-quality premium product.
  • Most of the users stated it’s trusted by professionals.
  • Numerous others reported the clean and effective iron sulfate formula helps to protect the lawns from diseases.
  • Some mentioned that it’s easy to use.
  • Many customers noted it can be used in both wet and dry forms.
  • Others reported that it’s easy to store.
  • Multiple owners said they trust the product because it’s used by professional lawn keepers, park keepers, etc.
  • Many users like the handy resealable tub.
  • Some reviewers said the instructions are clear and easy to follow.
  • Few users were happy with the customer service.
  • One customer liked the way it was wrapped.
  • Most customers termed it to be the moss killer in the market.
  • One customer reported it works best if mixed with a bit of a solution or water.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One customer complained the instructions weren’t detailed enough for them to understand.

  • Rating 4.5 based on 289 reviews
  • 87% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

3 – Stonecare4u

4.5 review starsRating 4.5 based on 17 reviews

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Stonecare4u Essential MOSS REMOVER - High Performance, Fast Working Acid-Free Formula, For TARMAC, CONCRETE, ROOFS, PATHS, PATIOS and DRIVES. Prevents re-growth (5 Litre)

Here’s what the reviewers think about the Stonecare4u:

Reviewers like these things about the Stonecare4u

  • Most customers reported this is a highly effective biocide that kills moss immediately.
  • Some users noted this makes the grass greener within three days.
  • Few reviewers like the pleasant odor.
  • A couple of users reported the ingredients are biodegradable.
  • Others lauded it for being toxin-free.
  • Many users noted it removes moss, algae, fungi on external hard surfaces.
  • Some thought it to be long-lasting.
  • Several customers reported it works best if diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.
  • Multiple users appreciated it’s safe around children and pets once dry.
  • Some customers were impressed with the prompt delivery.
  • Others appreciated their product was delivered without any spills.
  • One customer reported good communication from the seller.
  • Numerous others claimed it does the job well.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One customer wasn’t satisfied with the performance.
  • Another user found the product to be expensive.

  • Rating 4.5 based on 17 reviews
  • 77% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

4 – Crikey Mikey

4.5 review starsRating 4.5 based on 24 reviews

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Crikey Mikey 5L Moss Wizard Grass Fertiliser

Here’s what the reviewers think about the Crikey Mikey:

Reviewers like these things about the Crikey Mikey

  • Several users admired natural ingredients.
  • Many reviewers noted it strengthens the roots and chokes the moss out.
  • Others lauded the organic nutrients used to promote healthier and greener grass.
  • Multiple users reported it makes raking unnecessary.
  • Some claimed it conditions the soil.
  • Few customers recommend treatment every six weeks to maintain a healthy and moss-free lawn.
  • Several users reported its easy to apply.
  • Some reviewers said the instructions were clear.
  • Most of the customers claimed to keep the soil aerated for the best results.
  • Many users appreciated that the dosage rate is marked.
  • Numerous customers said the product works well.
  • Others said its reasonably priced.
  • Multiple customers claimed it makes their lawns look better.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One user received a leaked product.
  • Another was unhappy with the provider service.

  • Rating 4.5 based on 24 reviews
  • 91% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

5 – Smartseal

4.5 review starsRating 4.3 based on 225 reviews

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Smartseal Moss Remover - Highly effective moss, algae and mould remover for Roofs, Driveways, Patios & Walls. Also acts as a Moss Inhibitor protects against re-growth of Moss & Algae (5 & 25 Litre)

Here’s what the reviewers think about the Smartseal:

Reviewers like these things about the Smartseal

  • Most of the customers reported this product can be used for driveways, patios, decking, walls, and roofs.
  • Many users admired the biodegradable ingredients.
  • Several customers were delighted the product doesn’t contain any bleach or acid.
  • Others noted that there’s no need for scrubbing or washing.
  • Many were happy with the easy application.
  • A lot of customers reported this product works quickly and effectively.
  • Some suggested to mix it with a strong solution for enhanced results.
  • One user reported that their driveway was free of moss within 24 hours of spraying this product.
  • Another customer claimed that one bottle of this product helped clear two of their driveways.
  • Few reviewers were happy with the prompt delivery.
  • Some others called it a great value for their money.
  • Various customers stated the product was much better than what they expected.
  • Another user lauded the floral essence.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One customer complained the product didn’t work for them.

  • Rating 4.3 based on 225 reviews
  • 81% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

6 – Chemiphase

4.5 review starsRating 4.2 based on 14 reviews

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Spray activ8-5 L Patio Decking Fencing Mould Algae Moss Killer Drive Cleaner

Here’s what the reviewers think about the Chemiphase:

Reviewers like these things about the Chemiphase

  • Most of the reviewers reported immediate results.
  • Several users admired the spray and walk away technique.
  • Many reported that it removes moss, weeds, mould, etc.
  • Others said it work efficiently on patios, pathways, roofs, brick, and stone, etc.
  • A lot of users claimed that this product gives optimum performance for economical reasons.
  • Multiple reviewers reported for the best results dilute it with water in the ratio of 1:1.
  • Others lauded the easy application.
  • Most users reported it requires no scrubbing.
  • Several customers noted it saves time.
  • Many reviewers said it does justice to the advertisement.
  • One customer appreciated the customer service.
  • Another user reported the package was well wrapped.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One customer complained of rashes.

  • Rating 4.2 based on 14 reviews
  • 85% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

7 – EverGreen

4 review starsRating 4.1 based on 28 reviews

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Evergreen No Moss No Rake Moss Remover Lawn Feed 50m2

Here’s what the reviewers think about the EverGreen:

Reviewers like these things about the EverGreen

  • Most of the users are impressed with this fast-acting moss killer.
  • Several customers reported it encourages grass regrowth.
  • Many reviewers claimed it improves the color of the roots.
  • Others said it’s easy to use.
  • Some reviewers mentioned the most effective way is to dilute it with water before spraying.
  • Numerous customers reported the moss started to turn black within hours of use.
  • One customer noted their garden looks greener after using this product.
  • Some users said it efficiently does the jobs its meant for.
  • Few customers termed it as excellent.
  • Multiple reviewers said this product is highly recommended.
  • One user noted this product is better than pellets.
  • Few users reported its great value for the money.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One customer complained about the container leaks.
  • Another user wasn’t satisfied with the outcome.

  • Rating 4.1 based on 28 reviews
  • 77% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

8 – Moss Killer

4 review starsRating 4 based on 41 reviews

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Moss Killer Driveway, patios a liquid 5L

Here’s what the reviewers think about the Moss Killer:

Reviewers like these things about the Moss Killer

  • Almost all customers reported it to be the ideal moss killer for driveways and patios.
  • Some users admired the concentrated spraying action.
  • Numerous reviewers lauded the biodegradable ingredients.
  • Many praised the non-toxic nature of the product.
  • Several users reported that once the area dries, its safe for children and pets.
  • Others noted this product works well on roofs, decking, fencing, paths, sheds, greenhouses, garden statues, and all indoor and outdoor hard surfaces affected by moss.
  • Multiple customers reported guaranteed results within hours of spraying this product.
  • Many customers praised the prompt delivery.
  • Some users noted they were impressed by the effectiveness of the product.
  • Others stated that it does exactly what’s written on the product description.
  • Most of the owners said they had a good experience with the product and would use it again.
  • One customer termed it as an excellent product.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • Few customers reported the smell was too strong.
  • One user complained of an allergic reaction after using the product.

  • Rating 4 based on 41 reviews
  • 72% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

9 – Spear Jackson

4 review starsRating 3.9 based on 51 reviews

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Spear and Jackson 5L Spray and Leave Ready to Use formula with Long Hose Trigger Spray

Here’s what the reviewers think about the Spear Jackson:

Reviewers like these things about the Spear Jackson

  • Most of the users liked the quick ready to use spray and leave method.
  • Several customers admired that the product is biodegradable.
  • Multiple reviewers reported the product lasts for months.
  • Few users claimed it also controls moss re-growth.
  • Others reported that it removes moss, algae, and green mould.
  • Numerous users noted that the formula is made to work with the outdoor elements including wind and rain.
  • Many customers reported it works well with or without dilution.
  • Multiple reviewers said it’s easy to operate.
  • Some users were happy with the price they paid.
  • Several reviewers reported it does exactly what’s written on the packaging.
  • Others termed it to be excellent.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One customer was disappointed with the performance.
  • Another user felt it didn’t do the job it’s supposed to.

  • Rating 3.9 based on 51 reviews
  • 69% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

10 – RHS

4 review starsRating 3.8 based on 16 reviews

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RHS 2 x 1L Ready to use Moss Killer | Glyphosate free formula | Paths, patios and hard surfaces

Here’s what the reviewers think about the RHS:

Reviewers like these things about the RHS

  • Almost all users reported this product kills moss on all surfaces like block paving, decking, etc.
  • Some customers claimed visible results within hours.
  • Others lauded the glyphosate-free formula.
  • One customer was so happy with the results that they decided to order more.
  • Some reviewers reported the product is easy to use.
  • Few users noted this moss killer to be a good option for removing moss from tiles as well.
  • Several reviewers were happy with the overall performance.
  • One customer appreciated the swift delivery.
  • Another user was pleased with the customer service.
  • Numerous owners reported quick and effective action.
  • Some customers reported this is the best product for amateur moss killers.

Reviewers don’t like these things

  • One customer complained about the spray bottle not being effective.

  • Rating 3.8 based on 16 reviews
  • 71% of the reviewers give 4+ stars to this moss killer

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Notes about this top 10 list

The list was last updated 28 March 2025.

The list shows the best reviewed moss killers from a much bigger list of selected products. The list should not be considered a complete list of all available, excellent moss killers.

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